"Wherever you are, be all there." - Jim Elliot
Colorado was that breathe of fresh air I was looking for.
I had never been to the state before but my sister moved from New Orleans a few months prior. I bought my ticket knowing for sure that I would love it. My Colorado themed Pinterest board was poppin so I was more than ready to see all of the well known sights. What I wasn't prepared for was to have my eyes wide open the entire time. I honestly didn't have time to blink, there was literally too much to see. Driving through hilly towns surrounded by snowcapped mountains isn't something a Florida girl gets to do very often.
Sometimes, while visiting a new place, I feel this tiny bit of sadness inside knowing that I'll eventually have to leave. I'll have to go back home, commit back to routine while this beautiful place lives and thrives... without me. Why can't I be in multiple places at once!? I don't understand why I can't yet teleportation isn't "a thing" yet.. Is someone working on that?
While I work on being more present, here's a little photo journal of my experience in the mile high state.
A guided horseback tour passing on the Palmer trail in Garden of the Gods park.
Pike's Peak
Red Rocks on the Palmer trail.
Sunset from a lookout near my sister's apartment
Driving up to Garden of the Gods was one of my most memorable moments. There's a trailhead about a mile from the visitor's center where I pulled over and ran up a hill to get these two photos. It was around 10am and the light hitting the park was amazing. I took photos then stood there trying to come to terms with how insanely beautiful this was.
After climbing up the Manitou Incline, I was happy to take a rest and enjoy the view. 2,744 steps will do that to you.
Postcards from a boutique in Boulder.